KFC clone using- HTML, CSS & JS-Unit 3

Chanchal S
3 min readFeb 24, 2022

This is the demo of my website

Hello readers, here I worked on the clone of KFC website(check here)during the construction week . It’s an USA based Fast food restaurant chain around the world founded by Colonel Harland Sanders Pete Herman with generated billions of dollor revenue per year.

I completed the clone of website within stipulated time frame . This is the solo project which I have finished it.

Let me introduce with the brief overview of my work , challenges I faced and key learnings as well.

Key Features of The Project:

Home Page:

This is the landing page of my website here all the details of the webiste are included. some of the part are dynamic and some stay remain static.

Menu Page:

This is the menu page where all the items are listed which are being available, I used the data of array objects for storeing the data and displaying it.

SignUp/SignIn Page:

This is the SignUp or SignIn page where you simply need to register yourself with the help of your contact number just simple enter the otp and get inot it.

Cart Page:

Cart page here all the added item will be shown.

CheckOut Page:

This the page where you can purchase the item and enjoyed the shopping or food, that’s it.

Intiating the Project:

Project were assigned us randomly. I started off by drawing the actual flow on paper and noted down all the details which are required to build the project. And also got some guidance from my friends. Divide this work in module and finished it within the time from which have allotted.

Tech Stack:

This project is built with the help of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Local Storage.

Challenge Faced:

In the cloning of the webiste and building it faced some issues and these are like:

  1. Flow of Website: Understand the flow of website and convert it into actual clone.
  2. Creating the Detailed layout and pages: During the building of website face issue to build the beautiful UI.

3. Pressure : Feel pressure to bild it within the time fram because this is the solo project which I have ever did.

4. Push on GitHub: New tech tools which I learned recently so, it is quite difficult for me to do this task.

How did I overcome:

Dedication, commitment, worked hard and smartly way, and excitement. Yeah!

Major Takeaways:

  1. Time management, dedication towards work
  2. Learn the use of complex tools
  3. Learn the use of version control system and cloud system, as well like Git and GitHub.
  4. Working under strict constraints.

Wrapping Up:

If you are still here, I am thankful to you , you can simply click on the below links and go through with my work as well:

  1. Live hosted website: a.) Vercel Link b.) Netlify Link
  2. Github Repo : Link
  3. Link to Video Presentation: Link



Chanchal S

Devoted to point about tech trends, human psychology, learner by choice.